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Sisyphus 12,000 AD, Styrafoam, Papier Maché, Stonecast, Latex, Stone, Teeth, Imitation Grass. 48 x 36 x 12cm. 2020..

"Sisyphus collected a bag of rocks. None looks exactly like the boulder, but in each there's some flicker of resemblance. A line here, a color there. He will keep looking."

All These Years, Wood, Wax, Stones, Graphite on Filter Paper, Latex. Installation Dimensions Variable. 2021.

In the first moment, Sisyphus, whole in himself, approaches the boulder with a face of blank shock. In the next, his form seems to split off to left and right, leaving three pale apparitions in its place. These identical specters diverge in behavior. The face at left strains with a burst of helpless laughter, the one at right seems to cave into itself, distracted, pained. Between these, the initial face retains its blank gaze.


“The Book of Sisyphus” Wax, Ink, Found Book, Watercolor, Paper, Slate, Stone. 2021.


Left: “The Book of Sisyphus” Wax, Ink, Found Book, Watercolor, Paper, Slate, Stone. 2021.

Right: “Sisyphus Apocrypha”, Ink, Rice Paper, Bamboo. Dimensions Variable. 2021.

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